Long Shelving Dimensions |
Shelf Width (mm): The Width required in Milimeters for the shelf. |
Depth (mm): The Depth required for the shelves in Milimeters. | |
Space Between Shelves (mm): The space required between each shelf (its height), in milimeters. | |
Max Height (mm): The Maximum Height that the shelving is allowed to be, in milimeters. | |
Minimum Flt Aisle Width (mm) The width of each aisle (front to back), in milimeters. | |
No. Transfer Aisles The number of required transfer aisles (left to right). | |
Transfer Aisle Size (mm) The width of each transfer aisle (left to right), in milimeters. | |
Area (Depth) | 15000 |
Pallet Width + Clearance | 2150 |
Bays in run The number of pallets in each run (front to back), dependent on space. | 6 |
Double + Aisle | 3400 |
No. runs The number of runs (left to right), dependent on space. | 8 |
Ground Floor locations Total number of storage locations (No. Runs x Bays in Run). | 48 |
Pitch calculation | 870 |
Add calc | 0 |
No. Levels High inc Floor The number of storage locations available due to height. | 3 |
Estimated No. of Pallet Locations The total number of storage locations (Ground Floor Locations x Levels High). | 144 |